Tuesday 21 September 2010

spinny spinny scalpy scalpy

tomorrow will be three weeks of SSing. That's something like 350 miles! sounds a lot. It was fn spinning this morning, i pulled out onto Bury New Road behind a racer and he was pullling away slowly down the hill. I caught him at the lights and pumped past him away from the lights. He slotted up his gears and roacked pumping down the road at great speed. Further down i pulled up behind him and 2 other racers who had passed me and again pumped past him away from the lights, again he clicked up and pumped past me. I then took my preferred route through the city centre and passed him again...... Didn't see him again. Ha! Very funny. On the way home I took three more scalps.

I found out today that my hub has left Germany...... so either tomorrow or Thursday then... I am actually quite nervous now, I am wondering what it'll be like??!!

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